Master Quantum Devices
Quantum Devices is a master program giving a high-level theoretical and experimental training on different kind of quantum phenomena with a particular attention to quantum devices and nanotechnologies.
This Master 2 formation is offered by the Université de Paris in partnership with the Ecole Polytechnique and in a double degree agreement with the Ecole d’Ingénieur Denis Diderot (EIDD). It is also part of the international double degree master program ‘Nanotechnolgies and Quantum Devices’ in partnership with the Politecnico of Turin (Italy).
The Quantum Device program focuses on theoretically and experimentally study quantum systems for new innovative approaches. The strong progress in the field of micro and nanotechnology in recent years, allows today to exploit quantum principles and effects to develop new methods of calculation, information communication and transmission, high precision measurements. Fundamentals of quantum mechanics, quantum computing, cryptographic communications, optics and quantum photonics, semiconductor and superconductor nanostructures are the main topics treated in the program. Students receive an excellent preparation on active research on quantum physics, allowing them to become high-level physicists able to understand theoretical concepts underlying new quantum devices and quantum technologies and to implement new original ideas.
The Quantum Device program fits the objectifs of the Plan Quantique launched on January 2020, and the Quantum Flagship european project, founded in 2018 by the European Commission, aiming at coordinating on a European scale initiatives related to quantum technologies in the fields of training, research and innovation.
The training relies on the participation of high-level scientists from Ile de France laboratories working in the domain of quantum devices. Thanks to this well-established network, students find many opportunities after graduation both in academics as well as in the industrial sector.
Seminars QuanTech 2022/2023
- 14.10.22 – P. Bertret (SPEC – CEA Saclay) – salle 454A, bât. Condorcet, 12h
Single spin magnetic resonance by microwave fluorescence detection
- 21.10.22 – Simon Apers (CNRS, IRIF, Université Paris Cité) – salle 454A, bât. Condorcet, 12h
Developments in quantum algorithms
- 28.10.21 – Thierry Lahaye (Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d’Optique, CNRS/Université Paris-Saclay) – salle 454A, bât. Condorcet, 12h
Quantum simulation and quantum computing with arrays of single Rydberg atoms
- 02.12.22 – R. Osellame (Politecnico di Milano, CNR-IFN) – salle S73A amphi PGG, bât. Condorcet, 12h
Integrated quantum photonics, a powerful platform for quantum technologies